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Honors & Awards Applications

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University Honors & Awards

UNC Charlotte presents several awards to students during the annual University Honors and Awards Ceremony at the end of each spring semester. These awards provide recognition to students who have made significant contributions to UNC Charlotte during their undergraduate or graduate career. 

Recipients of these prestigious honors demonstrate an attitude of unselfish interest in the welfare of their fellow students and the University as a whole. The recipients must have at least a 2.75 cumulative GPA, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing with the university. Graduate student applications will be reviewed solely on contributions during graduate school and not on their accomplishments as undergraduates.

  • The Bonnie E. Cone Leadership Award, Chancellor's Awards, Chuck Lynch Award, and the University Commendations for Leadership and Service provide recognition to students graduating in May - December 2025 who have made significant contributions to UNC Charlotte and shown outstanding qualities of scholarship and leadership during their undergraduate career.
  • The Derrick Griffith Servant Leader Award provides recognition to a first generation college junior or senior student who has demonstrated leadership through on or off-campus service to others, involvement in student organizations/activities, and a commitment to mentorship.
    • First-Generation Niners are students whose parents and/or guardians did not complete a four-year college degree. 
      • Am I still first-gen if my sibling has a degree? YES
      • Am I still first-gen if my parents/guardians have an associate’s degree? YES
      • What if my parents/guardians have a four-year degree from another country? You may self-identify as First-Generation at Charlotte if you don’t have prior exposure to or knowledge of navigating higher education in the United States
  • Please Note: Only Undergraduate students are eligible to receive the Derrick Griffith Servant Leader Award 

Apply Now on NinerEngage

Applications (NinerEngage) for the 2025 University Honors & Awards are open now through Friday, February 28. Any student can apply; a nomination is not required.

Nominations (Google Form) for the 2025 University Honors & Awards are open now through Friday, February 14. The student you nominate will receive an email informing them that they have been nominated to apply for University Honors & Awards. Nominations can be anonymous.

The Bonnie E. Cone Leadership Award is presented to a member of the graduating class May - December 2025 whose leadership, scholarship, and service to the University embodies the spirit of Bonnie E. Cone, the founder of the University who devoted her life to the development of UNC Charlotte. 

It is the highest nonacademic award a student may receive from UNC Charlotte and honors students who demonstrate a breadth and dedication of involvement, demonstrated initiative in improving the campus community, collaborative leadership, demonstrated integrity, fostering leadership in others, and dedication to and pride in the University.

The Chancellor’s Awards are presented to one graduating May - December 2025 undergraduate and graduate student leader in recognition of their outstanding leadership, academic excellence, and commitment to the campus community. Their contributions help enrich the college experience for fellow students and help develop good citizens and stewards for the future.

The Chuck Lynch Leadership Award is presented to a member of the graduating class May - December 2025 in honor of former Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Chuck Lynch, who served the university with distinction for 34 years. This award recognizes student leadership in building relationships and programs while also mentoring others to reach their maximum potential.

University Commendations for Leadership and Service are presented to a highly engaged group of graduating students May - December 2025 in recognition of their distinguished leadership and commitment to the campus community demonstrated through the initiative they have taken to improve our community. 

The Derrick Griffith Servant Leader Award was established to honor the memory and legacy of alumnus Derrick Griffith, who was an active student and community leader dedicated to the service and mentorship of others. This award is given to a first generation college junior or senior student who has demonstrated leadership through on or off campus service to others, involvement in student organizations/activities, and a commitment to mentorship.

Below are tribute videos made by CUNY Prep about Derrick Griffith, and that captures him and what he did at the school.

Selection Committee Review

One application is submitted for these honors and awards, and the University Honors & Awards selection committee will determine which award will be given to each award recipient. Information about award recipients will be kept confidential until the awards are presented at the annual University Honors and Awards Program. You will be notified of your selection status via email. A resume and personal statement are both required.

  • Derrick Griffith Servant Leader Award, Application Process: On the application, students will indicate if they would like to be considered for the Derrick Griffith Servant Leader Award, and the Derrick Griffith selection committee will determine the award recipient.

Letter of Recommendation (LOR) Requirements:

To complete your application, you must submit one Letter of Recommendation (LOR). Please review the guidelines below carefully to ensure your application is processed correctly:

  1. Only One LOR Per Applicant
    You are allowed to submit only one Letter of Recommendation. Any application that includes more than one letter will be considered incomplete.
  2. Where to send Letters of Recommendations
    The faculty or staff member that is listed on your application needs to email the LOR to the following email address no later than the February 28, 2025 deadline in order for your application to be considered complete. 
  3. Application is Incomplete Without a LOR
    Your application will not be considered complete until we have received your LOR. Make sure your recommender submits the letter on time, or your application will not be reviewed.
  4. Updating Your Recommender
    If the recommender you listed in your application has changed, you must email to notify us of the new recommender. This ensures we know who to expect the LOR from.
  5. Who Can and Cannot Be Your Recommender
    • Eligible Recommenders:
      Only a Charlotte Faculty or Staff member who can speak to your campus and/or community impact is qualified to write your LOR.
    • Ineligible Recommenders:
      The following individuals CANNOT serve as your recommender:
      • UHA Committee Members (Adam Burden, Bryan Cotton, Shayauna Newsom, Chris Washington, Michael Maksymowski, Jill Huerta, and Ysatiz Piñero)
      • Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Dr. Kevin Bailey
      • Chancellor Sharon Gaber
      • Parents or relatives (even if they work on campus)
  6. Faculty and Staff Recommenders
    Faculty and staff members are welcome to submit as many LORs as they wish for other applicants, but each applican may only have one LOR.

Please make sure your recommender submits their letter to by the application deadline, February 25, 2025. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.


Online applications will be open from 8:00 AM on Monday, February 3, 2025 through 11:45 PM Friday, February 28, 2025. No late submissions will be accepted. Applicants do not need to be nominated in order to apply. A letter of recommendation is required to complete your application. During the application process, you will be asked to provide the name of your recommender. This allows the selection committee to follow up with them directly if the letter is not received prior to the deadline, helping ensure your application is submitted on time. Only ONE letter of recommendation will be accepted.

For questions or additional information, contact Leadership & Community Engagement Office in Popp Martin Student Union room 252, at 704.687.5323 or via email at